Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The summer is fleeting. But it has been sweet. Upstate Cabin trip, California, Europe for the first time: Zurich, Vienna, Berlin. New Orleans. Still to come: another venture Upstate and a wedding in Rhode Island.

I didn't really get any serious beach time in though! I just found this image, shot during Art Basel, Miami a few years back and it reminded me of how gorgeous the beaches are down there. This photo is dedicated to the sweet dying days of this summer season.

Wading, Miami, FL. 2007


Jeff C.-S. said...

such a gorgeous shade of blue.

i was born in rhode island - beautiful things to be discovered in that little state - hope you have fun!

Jack Stadtlander said...

really sick-can't believe i have to look at that and no be there. what a gorgeous sky.